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What conditions did you inherit? How did the winds and waters shape your family of origin? How are they shaping you? What might your layer look like to future generations?

The mother archetype is the keeper, protector, and giver of life. She brings life into the world, nurtures and protects, until it is time to empower and initiate. In our patriarchal society, so many of us did not experience reverence around the powerful gift of the mother. If our mother didn’t receive that gift, she likely struggled to pass it on to us.

How do we cultivate and embody our own inner mother?

These are just some of my own musings around motherhood. The beauty of the grief circle is that it offers a space to hold all of our truths as sacred.

We come together to witness one another and be witnessed in whatever grief is present during this intense and historic time. Whether it shows up as something collective or as mourning a very personal loss, we will bring whatever we carry to together tend to the common “well of grief” that holds it all. 

We offer this space now, anchored in the belief that grieving in community is an essential step in dismantling the broken systems in our world and healing both personally and collectively. We name it as a “grief circle” acknowledging that too often grief is repressed or psychologized in our culture. That said, we welcome whatever is with you in this time, whether it fits “neatly” into your definition of grief or not.

Earlier Event: April 26
Later Event: May 16